First published in April this year, The Black Wall Street Times produced a compelling article on the story of three African American men who had successful treatment for their prostate cancer with HIFU Focal Therapy. Reggie Dye, Thomas Newell, and Victory Murray all had treatment for their prostate cancer with HIFU Focal Therapy instead of more radical treatments like prostatectomy or radiotherapy. All were concerned about the side effects associated with these two procedures such as erectile dysfunction, penile shrinkage, and urinary incontinence. “I’m very glad I chose HIFU for my prostate cancer treatment,” Murray, a NASA lead engineer whose team repaired Apollo 13 said. He went on to say, “I also consider myself lucky because I was diligent about receiving my annual physical, and I feel honoured to share my challenge with prostate cancer.” He echoed the sentiment many of our patients when Murray mentioned, “I hope in some small way I can encourage someone else who may be reluctant to get the right treatment to become a prostate cancer survivor. I did with the help of my doctors and HIFU!” In the video below their share their treatment journey and how they discovered that HIFU Focal Treatment was a viable treatment for them. The article also goes on to examine the research by the American Cancer Society. This shows that African American men are one and a half times more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than white men.

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